
Showing posts from May, 2018

Lemed Wellness - Best Dental Care Treatment in Lucknow

Dental problem eradication is no issue now, as the best dentist has arrived in town Lemed wellness center is doing excellent work in the field of Dental Care in Lucknow city . A well-established firm here they provide all dental related facilities, excellent in the field they are good in taking of dental health. As per a survey was done by government health agencies 40% of Indians need dental health, this is a long list of people, so dental care is a big issue here in India. Good teeth help in better health which keeps the body fresh. Lemed wellness centre provides different treatment for different types of dental problems, teeth grow naturally, but due to some reasons or due to people own doing, they become crooked, they grow in disorderly fashion, now it looks very unappealing so in order to treat these type of teeth procedures are involved , in the language of dentistry it is called orthodontics . Lemed wellness has the good record in the field of orthodontics correction of

Cosmetic Surgery for Women and Men in Lucknow Lemed Wellness Lucknow

 Cosmetic Surgery for Women and Men in Lucknow Lemed Wellness Lucknow Skin is all important part of body ,In this age of fast pace nobody acres about body and health , due to rigorous and straining routines and business of life people are not finding time for themselves, it takes very determined person to give his / her focus on health aspect too, in a regular disciplined way . So with whole body skin also suffers in the line. But worry will do nothing we have to take steps for that, easily available skin treatments are available Cosmetic surgery is one of them; it is done for beauty enhancement. It is different from plastic surgery it is given for beautifying. Neck, face, and hands are made excellent looking; cosmetic surgeon does cosmetic surgery Lemed has very capable surgeon s on this record. Most people go for this surgery after 40+ years so there is not a long queue. Hence treatment is easy to find. In facial cosmetic surgery comes eyes are treated, as it


IS YOUR SKIN CARE IS SELF-CARE – NURTURE YOURSELF THIS MOTHER’S DAY Many skin problems are evident in this age, these problems sometimes are bad and sometimes are very light in appearance, acne is one of them and a large population is affected by acne. it is very easy to get a skin problem in these times, as environment is polluted too much, vast number of vehicles are generating hazardous carbon mono oxide gas and other poisonous gases so these gases make a very negative effect on our breathing apparatus plus on our skin too, the temperature in some areas is also very harsh due to sun’s rays, these things affect a lot. Acne can be of many types depending upon severity, cysts likewise can be very painful, pimples also occurs on the face, hands etc. so these things are frequently happening, many people feel these problems and sought solution and cures to these problems. Many clinics and health centers have been set up to perform treatment of acne and other disorders, Lewes wel